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Table 4 Other information obtained from the family of the grandparents (taken at the end of follow-up, longitudinal study, Study 1)

From: Acute and long-term psychosocial consequences in grandparents when a grandchild is diagnosed with cancer – the GROKids Project: a population-based mixed-methods study protocol



Grandchild (patient)b

1. Kidscreen-27c

2. Open questions on family relationship and contact with grandparents


1. Kidscreen-27c

2. Open questions on family relationship and contact with grandparents


1. Health-Related Quality of Life (SF-36)

2. Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18)

3. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)

4. Impact of Event Scale (IES-R)

5. Adult-specific relationship attachment scales for partner relationship

6.Worry and Anxiety Questionnaire (WAQ)

7. Sociodemographic information

8. Open questions on family relationship and contact with grandparents

  1. aPlease refer to Table 3 for specific details on the tools used
  2. bWe only enrolled grandchild (patient) and siblings who are 10 years old and above
  3. cQuality of life measures as self-reported by children and adolescents. Consisting of 27 items [41, 42]