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Table 3 Domains investigated in the study (including the standardized questionnaires as applicable)a

From: Acute and long-term psychosocial consequences in grandparents when a grandchild is diagnosed with cancer – the GROKids Project: a population-based mixed-methods study protocol



Study 1

Study 3










Physical and overall wellbeing

Health-Related Quality of Life (SF-36)




Self-report questionnaire on health status. Contains 36 items with 8 subscales, namely, vitality, physical functioning, bodily pain, general health perception, physical role functioning, emotional role functioning, social role functioning, and mental health


European Quality of Life questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L)





Self-report questionnaire on health status validated for use in health-economic assessments. This measures 5 dimensions, namely mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression


Chronic diseases – Perrig & Merlo





This consists of 11 most common chronic disorder answerable by “yes” or “no” by the respondents


Psychological health

Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18)






Scale consists of 18 items with 3 subscales, namely, somatization, depression, and anxiety

[20, 21]

Worry and Anxiety Questionnaire (WAQ)






Scale with 15 items and 2 subscales, namely, cognitive criteria or somatic criteria


Impact of Event Scale (IES-R)






Measures post-traumatic stress using 22 items comprising of 3 subscales, namely, intrusive symptoms, avoidance, and hyperarousal


Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)






Contains 10 items that measure the level of stress. No subscales


Post Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI)




Measures posttraumatic growth and self-improvement after stress, containing 21 items with 5 subscales, namely, personal strength, new possibilities, improved relationships, spiritual growth, and appreciation for life


Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC 10 & 25)






Contains 25 items (for cross-sectional) or 10 items (for longitudinal) which measures someone’s ability to recover from stress

[26, 27]

Internal/personal factors

Sociodemographic information






Demographic information, such as age, sex, education, employment, living arrangement, income. It also includes the support received by the grandparents

[28, 29]

Information needs






Validated scale with 21 items that measure the information needs and preferences of grandparents regarding their grandchild’s diagnosis of cancer


European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q12)





A 12-item version from the original 47 item questionnaire HLS-EU-Q47) that examines healthcare, disease prevention, and health promotion


Big Five Inventory of personality (BFI-K)





A German version of the Big Five Inventory using 21 items assessing five personalities extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness)


External factors

Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS)





A self-report measure of social support with 12 items from three sources (subscale), namely, family, friends, and significant other/partner


Family relationships (FaBel)




German version of the “Impact on Family” Scale. Measures the parent’s or caregiver’s perception of the impact of pediatric illness on the family. This consists of 18 items with subscales include financial impact, familial-social impact, personal strain, and mastery

[34, 35]

Adult-specific relationship attachment scales for partner relationship




A 14-item questionnaires given to partners, analyzed in pairs, and has 2 subscales, namely, security of attachment and perceived available support

[36, 37]

  1. aStudy 1- Longitudinal study focusing on acute biopsychosocial effects; Study 3- Cross-sectional study focusing on long term effects; Study 1 timepoints include T1 at 3 months, T2 at 6 months, T3 at 1 year, and T4 at 2 years; Study 3 timepoint (T5) is at long-term defined as 3–10 years after diagnosis. Numbers in the parenthesis indicate the modified number of items in the standardized questionnaires