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Table 8 Hypothesised correlations between BMCQ Scales and validation measures for convergent and discriminant validity

From: Assessment of the mind-body connection: preliminary psychometric evidence for a new self-report questionnaire

BMCQ Scale

Convergent Validity

Discriminant Validity

Body-Mind Values

1. Strong positive with MAIA-Trust.

2. Strong positive with MAIA-BL.

3. Moderate positive with MAIA-SR

4. Moderate positive with MAIA-AR

5. Moderate positive with BAQ

1. Weak positive with MAIA-ND

2. Weak positive with MAIA-NW

Sensation-Emotion Articulation

1. Strong negative with PAQ-Total

2. Moderate negative with PAQ-DIF

3. Moderate negative with PAQ-DDF

4. Moderate negative with PAQ-EOT

5. Moderate positive with MAIA-EA

1. Weak positive with BAQ

2. Weak positive with BPQ

Interoceptive Attention

1. Strong positive with MAIA-AR

2. Moderate positive with MAIA-Not.

3. Moderate positive with BAQ

1. Weak positive with HSPS

2. Weak positive with HSPS-EOE

3. Weak positive with HSPS-AES

4. Weak positive with HSPS-LST

  1. Validity Measures: Interoceptive Sensibility and Bodily Awareness: MAIA-2 Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness, Version 2, Not Noticing, ND Not-Distracting, NW Not Worrying, AR Attention Regulation, EA Emotional Awareness, SR Self-Regulation, BL Body Listening, Trust Trusting, BAQ Body Awareness Questionnaire, BPQ Body Perception Questionnaire; Sensory Processing Sensitivity, HSPS Highly Sensitive Person Scale, EOE Ease of Excitability, AES Aesthetic Sensitivity, LST Low Sensory Threshold, Alexithymia, PAQ Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire, DIF Difficulty Identifying Feelings, DDF Difficulty Describing Feelings, EOT Externally-Oriented Thinking, PAQ-Total Global Alexithymia)