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Table 6 Youth responses to the questions about helpful strategies for reducing perfectionism (N = 15)

From: A realist synthesis of websites containing content on perfectionism: Are the descriptions and advice empirically supported?

Questions and responses


When you look at the strategies in the pamphlet, what do you think is missing?


Seeking social support is important e.g., “More strategies that involve others because sometimes I find it hard to use the strategies in the pamphlet when I am in a state of mind causing me to believe that I am not doing good enough


Which strategies are most helpful/appealing?


Alternative thoughts e.g., “I like to look at situations in an objective way when I find myself getting so emotional that it causes me to have anxious or depressive thoughts. This way I am able to think more calmly and rationally about a situation and “solve it” as well as possible


Practicing self-compassion, e.g., “something that my psychologists and support network have encouraged me to do … directly related to reducing anxiety and depression; it is an important part of self-care”


Judging self-worth on things other than achievement, e.g., “Make a list of the qualities you like about yourself, the wonderful relationships you have, and positive experiences you have had. Very easy to lose sight of the things you cherish most in life when you have access to them


Dealing with procrastination, e.g., “I tend to not want to start things because of fear it won’t meet the standards I have set I think breaking things up and moving on from things when they are not how I want would help me be less stressed and anxious


What are the downsides of the strategies?


They are unrealistic/hard to do e.g., “Practicing self-compassion is a really difficult thing to do, and something that many people will feel silly doing or not be able to do, and as a result will not practice it”; “The dealing with procrastination one made me angry just reading it. It seems extremely unrealistic. I would never do that”; “These strategies are not an “easy fix”; they need to be practiced and stuck with for a period of time in order to have an effect


No downsides