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Fig. 6 | BMC Psychology

Fig. 6

From: The hidden identity of faces: a case of lifelong prosopagnosia

Fig. 6

Results of the average faces task. The upper part of the figure shows a set of example stimuli, with the number of faces that were averaged to create the stimulus increasing from left to right. In the task, a random pair of faces was shown in each trial and the participants had to decide which one is more attractive (part 1) or more likable (part 2). The lower part of the figure shows the percentage of preferences for the more average face. If the average faces are preferred, the responses will lie above 50%. If the less average faces are preferred, the responses will lie below 50%. A response at exactly 50% will indicate absence of a systematic preference of one over the other. Responses for 46 female control participants are shown in blue and results for J are shown in red. Stimuli were created using Stimuli are based on images from DeBruine & Jones, available under a CC-BY licence from

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