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Table 1 Description of ParentWorks module content

From: Study protocol: evaluation of an online, father-inclusive, universal parenting intervention to reduce child externalising behaviours and improve parenting practices





Homework exercises

Module 1: Getting Started and Setting Up for Success

•Discussion about how the program works

•Causes of child behaviour

•The important role that fathers play in their children’s upbringing

•Barriers to completing the program and how to overcome them

•Setting goals for the program

17 min



Module 2: Encouraging Positive Behaviour

•The importance of when and how parents give children attention

•Introducing the concept of attachment-rich interactions with children and how children may meet their attachment needs through both good behaviour and misbehaviour

•The importance of parents spending quality time with their children

•Information about the different strategies to reward children for positive behaviour, including descriptive praise, tangible rewards, physical affection and spending quality time with them

21 min



Module 3: Responding to Misbehaviour

•Information about the following strategies: setting family rules, giving instructions, using time-out

•Trouble-shooting tips for using time-out

•Downloadable tip sheet on the topic of Discipline Strategies for Older Children and Teens

26 min



Module 4: Managing Challenging Situations and Sibling Conflict

•Information about high-risk situations (e.g., car rides, morning routines and going shopping with children)

•Practical strategies to manage high-risk situations using step-by-step instructions on what to do before, during and after an event

•Practical strategies to manage sibling conflict, such as rewarding and disciplining siblings as a team

25 min



Module 5: Working as a Team

•Common sources of disagreement between parents

•Practical advice for parents about: 1. what to do when their child misbehaves whilst two adults are present; 2. how to have brief discussions together; 3. problem-solving discussions

•The importance of spending quality time together and practical ways to achieve this

•Advice for separated/divorced parents

•Downloadable tip sheet on Co-Parenting Tips for Separated and Divorced Parents

13 min

Optional- If not selected immediately after Module 4, this module is available for completion after post-intervention questionnaire


Module 6: Review and Preventing Future Problems

•Information presented on key strategies to maintain changes

•Summary of the key points and strategies provided in modules 2 to 5

•Reminder that they have the option to complete the additional modules and download the tip sheets available

•Parents prompted to complete the post-intervention questionnaire and reminded that they will then receive feedback on their progress

•Parents informed that they will receive an email reminder to complete the three-month follow-up questionnaire

15 min



Bonus Tip Sheets

Downloadable tip sheets on:

•Managing Children’s Worry and Low Mood

•Setting up Good Sleep Habits for Children

•Improving Children’s Social Skills

•Setting Healthy Limits on Screen Time


Optional – available after post-intervention questionnaire


Module 7: Encouraging Child Development through Quality Time and Play

•Information about spending quality time with children

•The developmental benefits of playing with children (e.g., cognitive, social, emotional and physical)

•Information and practical strategies for enacting child-directed play

19 min

Optional – completed after post-intervention questionnaire


Module 8: Bully-Proofing Your Child

•Definition of the various forms of bullying (e.g., verbal, psychological and social)

•The effects of bullying on the victim, bully and witnesses

•Strategies parents can use to reduce the chances of their child being bullied and what they can do if their child is being bullied

•How to carry out problem solving discussions with children if they disclose that they are being bullied

•Strategies parents can use to reduce the likelihood that their child will bully others

•Signs that may indicate that their child is bullying others, why children might bully others as well as what parents can do if their child is bullying others

21 min

Optional – completed after post-intervention questionnaire
