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Table 6 Independent variables: Community Perceptions 2012 Quality of Life Telephone Survey

From: Sense of belonging to local community in small-to-medium sized Canadian urban areas: a comparison of immigrant and Canadian-born residents


Survey question

Coded responses


How do you rate the quality of schools in your neighbourhood?

1. Excellent

2. Very good

3. Good

4. Fair/poor

5. Not sure


How do you rate the quality of recreation programs and services in your neighbourhood?

1. Excellent

2. Very good

3. Good

4. Fair/poor

5. Not sure


How true is the following statement? I know many of my neighbours on a first name basis.

1. Very true

2. Fairly true

3. Neutral

4. Not very true

5. Not at all true


How often do you participate in social activities with your neighbours?

1. All the time/often

2. Sometimes

3. Hardly ever

4. Never


Do you agree that most people can be trusted?

1. Very much

2. Somewhat

3. A little

4. Not much