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Table 1 Instruments

From: Study protocol: psychological and physiological consequences of exposure to mass media in young women - an experimental cross-sectional and longitudinal study and the role of moderators

Instrument Or.: original version, Ge.: German translation


Part of the study


Diagnostic interview for psychiatric disorders, (DIPS) (Schneider & Margraf 2011)

Structured interview to assess psychiatric disorders according DSM-IV-TR, according to DSM-5 in prep. by S. Schneider et al.

Diagnostic phase

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I, Section G, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (SKID I) (Wittchen et al. 1997)

Structured interview to assess psychiatric disorders according DSM-IV

Diagnostic phase

Self-Report Inventory

Psychopathology/ Mood

Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II), Or. (Beck et al. 1996); Ge. (Hautzinger et al. 2009)

21 items; measures severity of depressive symptoms


Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Or. (Beck et al. 1988); Ge. (Margraf & Ehlers 2007b)

21 items; measures severity of anxiety


Three Dimensions Affect Scale (ThreeAS) (Wihelm & Schoebi 2007)

6 items; measures the basic mood-dimensions valence, calmness, and energetic arousal scale

During the experiment

Screening for Somatoform Disorders (SOMS-7 T) (Rief & Hiller 2008)

53 items; covers all somatic symptoms mentioned as occurring in somatization disorder, according to DSM-IV and ICD-10


Body Dysmorphic Dysorder Questionnaire (BDDQ), Or. (Phillips 1998) Ge. (Bohne et al. 2002)

4 items, measures the preoccupation with an imagined or slight defect in appearance, which is not better accounted for by another mental disorder



Rosenberg Self-Esteem-Scale (RSES), Or. (Rosenberg 1965); Ge. (Collani & Herzberg 2003)

10 items; measures a general state self-esteem


Eating Behavior

Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), Or. (Van Strien et al. 1986); Ge. (Grunert 1989)

10 items (subscale emotional eating), measures eating in response to emotional states


Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q), Or. (Fairburn & Beglin 1994); Ge. (Hilbert & Tuschen-Caffier 2006)

28 items; 4 scales: eating concerns, weight concerns, restraint eating, shape concerns; assessment of relevant characteristics of eating disorders that have occurred during the past 28 days


VAS eating (VAS_E), in prep. by Munsch et al.

7 items; assessment of eating behavior (desire to binge, to purge and to restrict)

During the experiment

Body Image

Figure Rating Scale (FRS) (Stunkard et al. 1983)

9 figures of increasing body size (very thin to very obese), to assess body image satisfaction by calculating diff. between current image and ideal image

During the experiment

Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ), Or. (Heinberg et al. 1995); Ge. (Knauss et al. 2009)

16 items; 3 subscales: internalization of the media body ideal, perceived pressure from the media and awareness of the body ideal


Thought-shape Fusion Trait Scaleshort version (Trait TSF Short), Or. (Coelho et al. 2013); Ge. in prep. by Munsch et al.

18 items; 2 subsections: 14 items trait TSF, 4 items clinically relevant food-related thoughts; 3 components likelihood, feeling and moral


Body Image Thought-shape Fusion Trait Scale (TSFtrait_B), in prep. by Munsch et al.

30 items; 3 components likelihood, feeling and moral, assessment of thin ideal related cognitions


Body Image Thought-shape Fusion State Scale (TSFstate_B), Or. (Radomsky et al. 2002); Ge. in Munsch et al.

10 items; questionnaire to assess aspects of thought-shape fusion, e.g. feelings of anxiety and guilt

During the experiment

VAS body image (VAS_B), in prep. by Munsch et al.

11 items; assessment of satisfaction with the appearance and body-related emotions

During the experiment

Appereance Schemas Inventory-Revised (ASI-R), Or. (Cash & Labarge 1996); Ge. (Grocholewski et al. 2011)

20-item, including two factors: Self-Evaluative Salience and Motivational Salience


Body Image Satsifacion Scale (BIS), Or. (Turner et al. 1997); Ge. in prep. by Munsch et al.

Short version with 12 items: body image satisfaction, dieting attitudes/behaviors, preoccupation with thinness


Emotion regulation

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), Or. (Gratz & Roemer 2004); Ge. (Ehring et al. 2010)

36 items; 6 dimensions intended to characterize central aspects of affective experience and emotion processing


Barratt impulsiveness Scale – short version (BIS-15), Or. (Patton et al. 1995); Ge. (Meule et al. 2011)

15 items, assessment of impulsivity, 3 subscales (non-planning impulsivity, motoric impulsivity, attention-based impulsivity)


Emotion regulation State Scale (VAS_Emo), in preparation by Munsch et al.

7 items, measures different emotional regulation strategies during the experiment

During the experiment

Social Comparison Processes

Physical Appearance Comparison Scale (PACS), Or. (Thompson et al. 1991); Ge. in prep. by Munsch et al.

Individual’s tendency to compare their own appearance to the appearance of others in social situations

Baseline & during Experiment

Third-Person Perception

Third Person Perception (TPP), Or. (David et al. 2009); Ge. . in prep. by Munsch et al.

4 items; 2 scales: 2 Items perceived effect of pictures on self, 2 items perceived effect of picture on other women (third person)

During the experiment

Post Event Processing

Post Event Processing (PEPQ), Or. (Rachman et al. 2000); Ge. in prep. by Munsch et al.

13 items, measures the effects of pictures in a media exposure during an experiment 24 h later

After the experiment